There is No Freedom

I’m drifting away into a place I cant explain
Mystified, I try to find my mind
But it’s useless when realization comes
I wait for the days to change
Slipping through the passing time
But tomorrow will never come

Confusion kicks in
I can no longer understand the most basic concept
I’ve neglected to try any longer
May be the time for a new beginning
A change I’m unwilling to accept
My demons grow stronger

No longer whispering, growing louder
Voices drone endlessly
Flowing in and out
Consciousness escapes me
But I can’t escape the push/pull
They play tug ‘o war with my soul

(((Maybe freedom is releasing the desire to be your own
It is letting others take control
That idea is easily rebuked as freedom is control, is it not?
Freedom is not knowing any form of bondage (neglect sexual acts)
i.e::: emotional/physical/spiritual/
I cast it aside. There is no such thing as freedom.)))

Regain, eyes open, touch resumes
Once again I can feel them pull me
my skin begins to tear, realization reached
I’m overtaken by a cynical laugh, without explanation
I silence myself and begin to move forward
but I find myself regressing

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